Friday, July 19, 2013

Confessions of a Piquerist

~Violetta Mort expected her boyfriend to come visit her that afternoon, she picked up some fresh groceries to make dinner for him. It was fall, the leaves were crackling on the grown making the sound of dog paws running behind her. But she knew better
Finally her building is at sight. She takes out her keys and walks through the hall… bag of groceries hits the floor….
It’s 9pm and Jack hasn’t heard from his girlfriend. She was supposed to make dinner for him and he was spending the night over. He decides to head out to her place anyway. It was so unlikely of her to flake out like that. She’s usually the exited one whenever he makes time for her.
At 9:42pm Jack arrives at her building. He never liked the area too much because of the desolation. The meat packing district shouldn’t have apartments for rent, at least that’s how he always thought.
He walks into the building taking out his copy of her apartment keys. He then notices a bag of groceries in the grown. He picks it up since all the produce seemed intact and fresh. Oddly enough it’s exactly what Violetta told him she would be making for dinner. He then speeds up to her apartment finding the door unlocked. She was sitting in the floor soaked in blood with a kitchen knife on hand. Across from her, a man with a pantyhose covering his face, full of gashes and motionless. It was obvious that he wasn’t breathing.
Jack ran to assist her but she was in shock. She wouldn’t move nor talk. She just stared at the knife. Jack finally got her attention and asked her what happened.
Violetta explained: -I was getting into the apartment building when this man pushed me in, he had this knife I’m holding, on my neck and he told me not to scream. He had me open my door and threw me in the floor, dragged me by my hair to the bed and started ripping my clothes. When he took out his dick I kicked it so hard that the knife fell off his hand and he fell on the floor. I grabbed the knife and jumped on him stabbing him repeatedly until I was sure he couldn’t hurt me.
Jack proceeded to call the police.  Once the police came over and Violetta explained the facts they took a look at the building’s entrance video footage. -It all adds up to her story, the detective told the sergeant. -I don’t think you need to take her to the precinct today for her statement.
Violetta decided to go down to the precinct and give her statement that night. She wanted to get over it as soon as possible. And she did…
That night, Jack asked Violetta to move in with him. They had been seeing each other for over a year and he wanted to make sure he was always there for her.
Six months later…
Violetta and Jack finished accommodating Violetta’s furniture and décor at Jack’s apartment. After her incident, that same month Violetta packed her stuff and sublet her apartment to a young couple. She didn’t tell them what happened, she just told them she had decided to move in with her boyfriend. She didn’t want to talk about it ever again.
Jack worked nights and Violetta freelanced, mostly at night. Their schedules were perfect. They slept during the day and worked at night. They had weekends together. Violetta kept the apartment clean and there was always dinner for Jack. She would make him a snack for work as well.
One night, jack was sick and decided to stay home. He didn’t tell Violetta because he didn’t want to worry her. Around 11:45pm, jack hears the front door open. He stayed quietly in bed and saw Violetta come in with blood all over her hands. As freaked out as he was, he stayed quiet, since his curiosity was greater than his fear.
Violetta gently took off her clothes and put them in a black bag, she went to the bathroom and turn on the shower. After half hour she came out of the shower and freaked out when she saw jack looking into the black bag. He wanted her to see him looking, he couldn’t understand what happened. He thought she was at work.
Violetta had no choice but to confess…
-Ever since I killed the man who tried to rape me, I’ve been obsessed with stabbing. I tried getting mental health but no treatment would take those feelings off my chest. The way the knife impaled the skin… it was exhilarating. So…. I only work three nights a week. The other two nights I go out and pretend to be an innocent girl carrying her groceries taking a shortcut home. I go through the toughest neighborhoods and desolated areas. When I feel someone following me, I let him drag me and then I kick him in the crotch and proceed to stab him repeatedly until he stops breathing. I’ve been doing this for a month now. I’ve killed eight men, most African American and Hispanic, two Caucasians.
Jack sat on the bed, drank from a glass of water he had on the nightstand, laid down and said: “good night baby. Love you”.~


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