Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nine Inch Nails- They Keep Calling Me (The Crow)

I had to post this video since I've been thinking about whatever happened to Brandon Lee's case. It's sad that it stayed unresolved and they eventually closed it.

Photos of the abandoned antique cars nature has reclaimed

[Modern Ruins] -

Saturday, February 25, 2012

19th Century Medical Mummies in the News

A group of forensic anthropologists have completed a meticulous analysis of a set of real human anatomy displays from 19C Italy. Using CT scans and other chemical analysis, the group determined that, some 200 years ago, anatomist Giovan Battista Rini "petrified" the corpses with a mercury and other heavy metals. He injected some tinctures and used others as baths. The eyes are fake. Basically, Rini was modern medicine's first "Body Worlds" guy.--The Terrifying Body Worlds Mummy Heads of 19C Italy, Gakwer

Ok. So although this Gawker story has a MAJOR inaccuracy--Giovan Battista Rini was hardly "medicine's first 'Body Worlds' guy;" that honor would surely go to Honoré Fragonard and his incredible Anatomical Ecorchés from the 18th century--its still nice to see anatomical preparations discussed and pictured in the mainstream media. Read more about the recent CT scan analysis on preparations from the 19th century collection of anatomist Giovan Battista Rini pictured above here and here. Images by Dario Piombino-Mascali, EURAC, and Clinical Anatomy/Wiley via National Geographic article; click here to see more.

Thanks to Joanna and her friend Ken for this article.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Amazing artist's website :Blood and Spit

An awesome real NYC Horror story

Please, adopt a bat or donate

Donate Now - Bat Conservation International

Abandoned mines throughout the United States provide homes for more than half of America’s bat species. As bats’ habitat disappears at an alarming rate because of urbanization, deforestation and human conflict, many displaced bats – including some listed as endangered – are finding refuge in abandoned mines. But those old mines must often be closed to protect unwary humans. Sealing mines without first examining them for use by bats, however, risks leaving whole colonies without homes – or worse, entombed inside.

Abandoned mines used by bats can be closed with gates that allow the bats to fly in and out while keeping humans safely outside. Over the years, Bat Conservation International has partnered with land managers, mining companies, state and federal agencies and environmental organizations to conduct pre-closure bat surveys at thousands of mines and caves. We have protected many of them with appropriate gates and other bat-friendly closures that keep humans safe while ensuring the bats can keep their homes.

Bats are facing some of their greatest challenges ever. White-nose Syndrome continues to decimate North American bats, and research to protect bats from wind turbines is not keeping pace with the growth of wind energy. With the addition of these new threats, it is increasingly important to conserve safe shelter for these vital animals.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Check out my bff's blog and follow her!

Finding Lost Souls

Ranting and Raving about people, sports, movies and her life experiences. Get to know a real New Yorker at heart. She'll enchant you with her personality and sincerity (plus she's a Horror/Sci fi fan, so you can't go wrong).

Check out my friend's blog

Mr Frights

Mr. Frights is here to produce and promote entertaining horror content 365 days a year, focusing on the fun roots of horror, and sharing with my followers ways that they can enjoy horror in all aspects of their daily lives.